Friday, 7 February 2014

impromptu allotment days

I love impromptu days on the plot. Yesterday, I decided that I would go to the plot and check for any storm damage. Though the storms haven't been bad here, I was sat at home getting more and more anxious about whether the chicken house was still standing (for the record it was!).

Once I got there I decided to do some digging, but that soon went out the window when common sense got the better off me. After a recent bout of M.E I'm learning when to listen to my body and my body did not want to dig!! Instead I dug up the sprout plants that got eaten by caterpillars over the summer and to be honest the last few weeks I was convinced because of the caterpillars they wouldn't be any use. How wrong could I be???

So I was sat there on the plot picking sprouts and eating my lunch with the chooks happily mulling round me:

When I got home I sorted then out ready for blanching and freezing, keeping the leaves for Arthur dragon and the ends for the rabbits:

Happy allotment days xx


  1. Hi Deb,

    Your blog looks fantastic - I'd love to find out a little bit more about your allotment for a potential feature in a monthly women's magazine. Could you drop me an email:, and I can tell you more?

    Best wishes,


  2. Hello,what a lovely Blog you have here :) I found my way from the 'down the lane' forum and just wanted to say hello from a fellow chicken keeper and ME sufferer x

  3. Hi Briony,
    Thanks for your lovely comment, I don't up date my blog as much as I should but also in the winter there's not much to up date! I hope your m.e. is wreaking havoc at the moment like mine has. And you must give me more details of your lovely hens, I'm hen obsessed!! Deb x
