Friday, 4 October 2013

I know, I know its been a while!!

I have so much to tell - where to start?  I suppose, an explanation of my absence?  Well it simple really, Ive not been here because we've had no internet on.  Last month was a ridiculously crazy month for us financially and after paying out for the failed m.o.t, the windscreen on my car that mr husband managed to smash with his Thor like abilities, birthdays, back to school stuff, general living we had to let a couple of things not deemed necessary go, one of those being the internet.

So here goes about a week after my last post (when we still had the internet) I acquired a Cockerel.  The circumstances in which I required was due to what i would class as neglect from the previous owners.  He was weak and full of mites and just generally bleurgh looking though extremely beautiful.  I had wrote a huge post (rant) and then deleted it thinking, maybe I should wrote again once i calmed down - and then the internet went off.  Sadly, on Wednesday night they had a visit from either Mrs Fox or Mrs Mink. and colonel had been killed *insert unhappy face here*

Here he is in all his glory:

It had also tried to get into the existing girls who where all of a tizz, but because they reside in 'the lock up' it couldnt get in and gave up.

The allotment had proved its worth these last few weeks when we were so skint.  Ona very rainy day, we all got our wellies on (mr husband included) and after taking the children out blackberry picking we also went to the allotment and collected eggs for dinner that day and corn and the cobs for our tea:

The allotment is coming to and end now and really needs a good tidy up which is this weekends plan.

In terms of my crochet and preparation for the big C Im away!! Its amazing what you can achieve when you have no internet.  But Ive decided im going to have another blog for crochet etc... so watch this space xx