Monday 27 October 2014

Autumn days and darker nights.

I love the clock change - said no one ever!!! Eurgh! It messes with my chi!!! The getting up in the dark (having to drive a dodgy French made car with Dodgier electrics to work in the dark), the cold mornings and worst of all having to concede to giving yet more of my money to the energy companies!! No, probably the worst of all is the miserable feeling I seem to develop around this time of year, it drives me mad - quite literally.

But honestly the positives of this time of year far out way the negative. The gorgeous changes in colours:

Dark nights cozied in front of the fire under blankets, jumping in leaves, hats, scarf's and gloves, hot chocolate, winter stews, Halloween - these were last year's pumpkins by myself and miss boo:

Papa O assures me he's got us a great big pumpkin this year, which he's planning on bring over later this evening and this years party outfits are well underway to being made and bought.

So even though this season does mess with my head (and makes my dodgy French cars windows steam up at any given opportunity, thus having to use the air con button and using more fuel!) I still totally love October and Autumn!!! (And the happy pills help with my mood!)

Bye for now and happy planting!!

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